Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today was Claire and I's first day of school! We officially began homeschooling today. I am very excited about this adventure we are going to take together, although; I must admit today was a little bittersweet. Claire had a great playschool in Jackson that she really misses and today was their first day as well. So as excited as I was to start homeschooling Claire, my heart ached a little, knowing that all her friends in Jackson were enjoying their first day of playschool together. I have already enrolled Claire in a FREE play and learn class that is offered for children in Asheville. Also we have enrolled in a preschool music class that the community center teaches as well as an art class. I know this will give her some opportunities to meet new friends here in Asheville that will be just as dear to her as the ones she left behind in Jackson. (Maybe it will also give me the opportunity to develop some new friendships.) I am amazed at how much Asheville has to offer for homeschooling parents and I am very excited to be homeschooling in such a great place. Claire will also start AWANA's again in two weeks. I am hoping this will be another opportunity for her to develop some really great friends. That has been by far the hardest part of the move for her, she really misses her sweet little friends.

A few weeks back I was reading over my curriculum and it suggested that we name our school and that I allow Claire to have a say. I asked Claire what she wanted to name her school and she thought for a moment and then responded "Children's preschool dot com." (I guess mom and dad may spend a little too much time on the computer.) I told my mom this because, quite frankly I thought it was pretty funny! She told one of her co-workers and they suggested that Claire start a blog and call it children'spreschool.com! I thought this was a great idea. So, tomorrow Claire and I are going to spend some of our "school time" creating her blog. This will give her the opportunity to share with her friends and family what she is learning in school. So be sure to check it out in the next day or two and see what the two of us are up to!
2:08:00 PM


Robt said...

Hello Claire:

school is it fun to learn

Amy said...

That sounds fun! We will have to "chat" sometime. Our plan is to homeschool our girls also. Although right now we are sending Jaylyn to our local Christian preschool where our pastor's wife teaches. She will start kindergarten next year.