Friday, September 26, 2008

State Fair

Sept 6th we all went to the State Fair with our good friends Abel and Laurel. We had such a great time. The fair was huge and there was so much to see and enjoy. The girls got to watch the Bear Show, the pig races, and the puppet show. Then they rode ride after ride. In fact, we didn't get home until midnight! The girls have never been up that late, but they had such a great time we wanted to make sure they got to use all their ride tickets! It was so worth it. Abel and Laurel will be leaving for 6wks to go back to their home town, so Laurel can have help with her new baby. This was Claire and Abel's last time to really enjoy each other's company for a little while.

Claire really surprised us. Last year at the West TN State fair Claire was a little timid about some of the rides. This year she rode everything that she was tall enough to ride. She had no fear. Keeley was quite funny to watch as well. At the puppet show they invited the kids to come up front to join them when they sang songs. Claire didn't want to, she just stood back and observed, but Keeley was up front and center! She tried to keep up and do all the hand/foot motions! She is such a little Nathan! Miss socialite!

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