Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin Patches

Claire and Keeley with their perfect pumpkin.

When we were in Illinois we took the girls to what we thought would be a great pumpkin patch. Well, as it turned out they were almost done for the season and all they had left was the corn maze. We gave it a shot and then headed to our old favorite The Apple Barn. The girls picked out a pumpkin. Claire picked out the exact same type of pumpkin as she did last year; tall and thin. Every year we try to get her to pick out a nice round, fat pumpkin, but she has a preference to these tall, thin ones. It always takes her a total of two minutes to find the one she wants. Out of the hundreds of pumpkins to choose from, she quickly makes her decision and sticks with it!

Today we took the girls to another farm that also has a pumpkin patch. One of Nathan's clients owns a organic farm that raises organic chickens, pork, beef, etc. I I have been wanting to go check it out for some time so we thought today would be the perfect time to go. The girls had a blast. Although I will say Claire had to get used to the mud. It rained all day yesterday and so naturally her shoes got muddy. This made her quite upset. She kept insisting that we take her to the car, get a wipe and wash them off. We convinced her that it was fine, a little mud never hurt and that there was no reason to clean them so soon, they would only get muddy again. She is such a diva!

Keeley loved watching the animals. She is so fascinated with animals and gets really excited when she is around them. She loved looking at the turkeys, goats, and baby pigs. The cows were the only animal she was not quite sure about. I can't blame her, they must look pretty big to a seventeen month old!

We ended our trip with hot apple cider and I cidersicles for the girls. There is nothing better than a beautiful fall day outdoors, especially in the mountains!

1 comment:

Margie said...

What a great trip! Sounds like the girls had a great time!

Love ya all,
Margie :-)